We've already stated the unique opportunity that newspapers have to connect with their faith-based readers. What do effective and substantive religion sections include? Elements such as the KW Weekly Feature, Church News, Church Directory, Minister Columns, and other local stories of interest. We can also feature many of these online in our Online Religion Site product.
Religion Feature
The feature started as an anchor to the religion pages throughout America after the Second World War. Keister Features Syndicate produced full page artwork and copy to attract readers to the pages sponsored by 1 line “signature ads”. Church pages have evolved to include multiple readership items but most newspapers anchor the page with the Keister-Williams feature. We promise that our feature will be fresh every week and have high quality artwork with a spiritual message. It also includes the American Bible Society verses that allow readers to follow a guided path through the entire Bible.
The themes change with the occasion as our gallery will show you.
Click here…
Church News
This is an example of what most newspapers publish each week to inform readers. Are you getting less of this than you used to? Are you publishing it on a different day that other Faith content? Do you want to really separate yourself from the competition and make sure this information is available from all area churches in both print and online? We can help by working proactively with all the churches in your circulation area.
Church Directory
Remember the days when we published pages and pages of free Church Directory information? How valuable is a printed list of churches that have just the name, address and phone number of a church that no one has checked is even still actively worshiping? What happened to those resources we had that could do that work? Is the margin from this type of sales effort worth it? We can answer all the questions and provide you with a current, complete, and accurate paying source from your church community.
Religious Calendar
This is a different format than church news but the same concept - printing this information and making the newspaper the place to get this information sells papers!
Minister Columns
We continue to be amazed at how well read the Minister columns are in our customer newspapers. They all tell us that if they forget to print the Minister column for the week, well, the calls come in from avid readers. So why not make this one of the anchors of your weekly Faith Section? Whether you print a local minister or get a syndicated one from your list of group-offered subscription service, this can one of the lowest cost additions to your section.
Local Stories of Interest
Working with current staff or someone in the community who has a passion for covering local church events and commemorations adds that local content that helps readers feel like their newspaper is really a major player in the community..